时间: 2023-08-29 | 次数: |
邹定华,男,1976年6月出生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师 联系方式:15039158130
1994年9月-1998年6月 武汉理工大学, 材料科学与工程学院,获学士学位;
2003年9月-2006年6月 武汉理工大学大学,获硕士学位;
2006年9月-2009年6月 武汉理工大学大学,获博士学位;
(1)邹定华;王东明,江梦飞,刘园彬,霍俊锋,黄江歌,徐恬昊,赵奇胜,李云龙,王凯,低粘度低收缩超高性能混凝土修补材料及使用方法。专利号::ZL 202110406337.2,授权日期:2023年04月07
(2)邹定华,朱建平,付洁,付玉龙,丁长红,曹付云。一种重质混凝土内养护材料及其制备方法. 专利号:ZL201210149232.4,授权日期:2013年6月26日,证书号:1224207.
(1) Dinghua Zou , Lutong Xiao , Yisheng Zhang , Haiyan Li*. Effect of hexadecyltrimethoxysilane modified micro silica particles on workability and compressive strength of ultra-high-performance concrete. Construction and Building Materials 399 (2023) 132480.
(2) Haibo Zhang, Suwan Yao, Jiru Wang, Rong Zhou, Yu Zhu , Dinghua Zou*. Tensile properties of sulfoaluminate cement-based grouting materials toughened by in-situ polymerization of acrylamide. Construction and Building Materials 375 (2023) 130885.
(3) Haiyan Li, Zhilong Zheng, Xianping Wang, Xuemao Guan, Dinghua Zou*. Effect and mechanism of high Li2CO3 concentrations on the early hydration of sulfoaluminate cement-based materials. journal of materials research and technology 2023 ; 25 : 4342-4353
(4) Shiyu Zhang, Dongming Wang, Dinghua Zou*. Influence of Silanes on Carbonation of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Produced from Solid Industrial Wastes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2023, 35(2): 04022427.
(5) Suwan Yao, Haibo Zhang*, Chao Pan, Wei Zhou, Kangkang Wang, Chengyan Hou,Chaoyang Guo, Xuemao Guan, Dinghua Zou. Activation behavior of the novel CO2 foaming agent for mining on fly ash. Waste Management 171 (2023) 32–42.
(6) Dinghua Zou, Dongming Wang, Shiyu Zhang, Haiyan Li*. Influence of self-dispersing particles on workability, hydration and strength of ultra-high-performance concrete. Construction and Building Materials 326 (2022) 126727
(7) Haiyan Li, Yang Liu, Chi Xu, Xuemao Guan, Dinghua Zou*, Guoxun Jing. Synergy effect of synthetic ettringite modified by citric acid on the properties of ultrafine sulfoaluminat cement-based materials. Cement and Concrete Composites 125 (2022) 104312.
(8) Suwan Yao, Songhui Liu, Dinghua Zou, Chao Pan, Xuemao Guan, Haibo Zhang*. Effect of CO2 foaming agent on the hydration and hardening properties of OPC-CSA-FA ternary composite filling materials. Sustainable Materials and Technologies 33 (2022) e00495.
(9) Haibo Zhang, Suwan Yao, Jiru Wang, Chengyan Hou, Xuemao Guan, Dinghua Zou*. A novel CO2 foaming agent for the preparation of foamed sulfoaluminate cement material: Application to coal mine filling. Journal of Building Engineering 62 (2022) 105353.
(10) Dinghua Zou, Zhenjie Zhang, Dongming Wang; Influence of citric acid and sodium gluconate on hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement at various temperatures. Construction and Building Materials 263 (2020) 120247.
(11) Haiyan Li, Xianping Wang, Xuemao Guan, Dinghua Zou; Properties of calcium sulfoaluminate cement-based grouting materials with LiAl-layered double hydroxides slurries. Advanced Composites Letters, Volume 29: 1–9
(12) Zou, Dinghua; Wang, Ke; Li, Haiyan*; Guan, Xuemao; Effect of LiAl-layered double hydroxides on hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement at low temperature , Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 223: 910-917.
(13)Li H, Guan X, Zhang X, Ge P, Hu X, Zou D. Influence of superfine ettringite on the properties of sulphoaluminate cement-based grouting materials. Construction and Building Materials. 2018;166:723-31.
(14) Zou, Dinghua*; Wang, Ke; Li, Kun; Ruan, Wenqiang; Liu, Puxun; Zhu, Yu; Does enhanced hydration have impact on autogenous deformation of internally cued mortar? , Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 209: 548-554.
(15) Zou Dinghua; Li Kun; Li Weidong; Li Haiyan; Cao Tianlu; Effects of pore structure and water absorption on internal curing efficiency of porous aggregates , Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 163: 949-959.
(16) Zou Dinghua*; Li Kun; Xie Silin; Liu Ying; Ren Weifan; Shi Lijie; Liu Zhenzhen; Feasibility of assessing segregation in internally cured mortar based on the variation of properties, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 147(30): 750-757.
(17) Zou dinghua*; Zhang Haoran; Wang Yuli; Zhu Jianping; Guan Xuemao; Internal curing of mortar with low water to cementitious materials ratio using a normal weight porous aggregate, Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 96:209-216.
(18) Zou D, Zhang H, Wang Y, Zhu J, Guan X. Internal curing of mortar with low water to cementitious materials ratio using a normal weight porous aggregate. Construction and Building Materials. 2015;96:209-16.
(19) 张珍杰; 王东明; 王可; 邹定华; 自密实陶粒泡沫混凝土墙板生产试验研究; 混凝土与水泥制品. 2021,(04)
(20) 王可;张英华;李雨晴;邹定华;固体核磁共振技术在水泥基材料研究中的应用.波谱学杂志,2020,37(1):40-51
(21) 曹天露;陈梦桐;雷凤珍;邹定华; 玻璃纤维长度和掺量对陶粒泡沫混凝土性能的影响.混凝土,2020(1):87-89
(22) 曹天露;邹定华;冯春花;李昆;1 H 驰豫时间谱在水泥基材料研究中的应用.硅酸盐通报,2018,37(3):888-893
(23) 王可;李雨晴;张珍杰;张英华;邹定华; 纳米锂铝类水滑石对硫铝酸盐水泥水化硬化影响研究.建材发展导向.2019,17:28-31
(24) 邹定华;张浩然;张建武;管学茂; 蒸压自密实煤渣-陶粒泡沫混凝土的研究.中国硅酸盐学会混凝土与水泥制品分会第九届理事会成立大会暨第十一届全国高性能混凝土学术研讨会论文集,2015.08
(25) 邹定华;朱建平;廖建国; 混凝土内养护研究进展.硅酸盐通报,2015,34(5):1307-1311
(26) 邹定华;曹付云; 氧化铝尾矿制备重质混凝土内养护材料的研究.新型建筑材料.2013(12):13-16
(27) 邹定华; 建筑围护结构传热性能现场检测的误差分析,土木建筑与环境工程,2011,33(6):124-128
(28) 邹定华; 核心混凝土膨胀对钢管混凝土轴压性能的影响.河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2011,30(5):590-595
(29) 邹定华; 掺不同级配轻集料混凝土的力学性能和长期性能,混凝土,2011(9):87-89
(30) 邹定华;苏晓萍;马保国; 基于压电陶瓷的交通传感器的输出特性研究,武汉理工大学学报,2011,33(2):63-66
(31) 邹定华; 高含量氧化铝陶瓷的掺杂-低温液相烧结,中国陶瓷,2011,47(5):22-24
(32) 邹定华;马保国;张风臣; 聚合物粗纤维在混凝土中的抗裂增韧效应研究.武汉理工大学学报,2009,31(6):13-16
(33) 马保国;邹定华;张风臣; 聚合物粗纤维混凝土抗冻性能研究.武汉理工大学学报,2009,31(9):4-7
(34) 高英力;马保国;王信刚;邹定华;罗忠涛;潘伟; 土木建筑与环境工程,2009,31(4):19-24
(35) 马保国;罗忠涛;王凯;邹定华;王迎斌;王信刚; 混凝土耐久性破坏经时模型在HILS 服役寿命预测中的应用,工业建筑,2008,38(11):82-84
(36) 刘棠;邹定华;丁庆军; 高强钢管轻集料混凝土的研究,国外建材科技,2006,27(4):14-17
(37) 王发洲;邹定华;胡曙光;韩宏伟;徐华; 河南理工大学学报,2005,24(2):136-139
(38) 丁庆军;邹定华;王发洲;胡曙光; 次轻混凝土匀质性影响因素研究,混凝土,2005(8):57-61